XO Icy - MagSaya

MagSaya by XO Icy is now available here in your opm songs page! Check out the music video of this song by XO Icy. This is the official music video of the song released by Realest Juan on their YouTube Channel, June 16, 2015.
Performed by: XO iCy BOiZ
G'Rhyme - Franz Rodil
Jay Truest - Jay Gezzy
M.Lock - Mervin Bibiano
Lennoj - Lennoj Rural

Directed by: Franz "G'Rhyme" Rodil
Video & post production: James "JayTruest" Rodil
Videographer: Rodil Brothers of Raw Deal Pictures
Cast: Lil'Jon x Unicah x Sean x Aze x Jhay x Storm x Aya x Lessur x Clark x Jeffrey x Jb x Davey x Glenn x Renzo x Denver & Gilbert x Jeicee x Sonny x Jhun x Arlhan x Martin x Ruben x Tito x Daniella x Cymbellyn x Elaine

Song recorded and mastered at: R.U.R.A.L. Studios
© Realest Underground Renaissance Artist Label 2015

RealestBrand Clothing
Keep It Locked Beats
Rural Recordsz Entertainment
Raw Deal Pictures
Here is the lyrics of MagSaya  by XO Icy 
We are very sorry to inform you that the lyrics of this song is still not available but you may bookmark this page so that you can check it out if it's already updated. For the meantime you may enjoy the Official Music video.
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